Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Avenches, Switzerland

Bern is in the German-speaking part of Switzerland but we ventured into the French-speaking area to visit Avenches. (Pronounced 'A vonsh')

Avanches, Switzerland
It's only a small town that has quite a few intact medieval buildings but I was drawn there by the fact that they have a lot of evidence of the time it was an important Roman town called Aventicum for about 300 years. The town had a population of 20 000.

The Colosseum (amphitheatre), and the L’évêque Tower that houses an excellent Roman museum.
Roman theatre
Temple complex
The Roman town had town walls, remnants of which we could clearly see from the train, and an east gate and a west gate that still exist in part. The museum was really well curated, and I was pleased to use the guide written in English. So thoughtful.

Precious items in the museum include this gold bust of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. 

An outstanding carving, found during excavations, featuring Romulus and Remus being raised by a she-wolf.
Street in Avenches

A wasp drinking at a water fountain.

Filling our water bottles at the fountain.

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