Sunday, April 11, 2010

Darwin (and Shrewsbury)

It's on the sign at the entrance to the city - Shrewsbury, birthplace of Charles Darwin. He wasn't just born here he went to school here, so the old Shrewbury School has a statue in pride of place.

A sculpture called 'Darwin Gate', in the centre of town, combines the form of a Saxon helmet with a Norman window and was inspired by features of St Mary's Church which was attended by Charles Darwin as a boy. The locals seem to either love it or hate it.

Equally contoversial is the very large new sculture called 'Quantum Leap', not yet finished and way over budget. It also commemorates Darwin. I like it.

And one more thing I noticed - the entrance to the Darwin Shopping Centre in the middle of town has a stained glass panel featuring fish, monkeys, birds, plants and butterflies. Would Charles have approved?


  1. More importantly would the fundamentalists / creations approve???.

    Reverend Noir-Merino

  2. I'm sure that Darwin would be pleased with your involvement in Field Nat. affairs. Wonderful blogs. love to you and Phil. Triggs
