Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Snowdonia and Anglesey

Snowdonia NP really is a wild place. We saw a little of the northern section as we drove through to Holyhead on Anglesey to get a ferry to Dublin. The rivers were wild, the mountains steep and still snow-capped and the stone walls snaking over the mountainsides astonishing. I can see why it's a very popular area.

On Anglesey we accidentally found the town with the longest name as we drove on a back road to Holyhead (click on the photo to enlarge so you can read it!) and had a little time to explore some of the beaches near Holyhead before we got on the ferry for Dublin.

So that's England, Scotland and Wales. We've seen a lot in four weeks. Four weeks to go.


  1. Hi Phil & Lorraine.
    I'll assume that you will read this? Sounds like both of you are having a great time?
    Come on Phil, tell me that you are! I know you would have been just as happy travelling around Oz. Thanks for the arrived today (Thurs 15/4). It feels like you have been away for years. I have been riding all your experiences, but glad that I don't experience the weather. When you get back, both of you are going to be tested on the pronunciation of some of those places you have visited...because I can't pronounce them! Gemma has been the perfect neighbour...doesn't make a sound. All is well here, as if nothing has changed, except for the length of your grass. Would you like me to mow it for you?
    Fond regards Kamil

  2. Hi Kamil
    If you mow ours does that mean we have to mow yours when you're away!!!
    It'd be great if you could mow it, thanks.
    I have been enjoying the trip, but I'm looking forward to our trip around Oz (next year?).
